"This Time Last Year 2016"
by Lea Mishell
Hello Loves!! If you've been following along with my journey, thank you. Trust me, it has been QUITE the rollercoaster ride!
This time last year, I was preparing for my first Christmas without my mother (rest in Heaven, Mama) and my marriage had faced it's toughest challenge up to that point: our first full year of openly polyamorous love. As the year came to an end, my only aspiration for 2016 was simply to see 2017. I'm not sure what I did to piss Karma off but she repaid me big time in 2015 so all I wanted to do was just get through 2016 with half as much of the BS we went through in 2015! I should've asked for more or been more specific but I didn't want to get greedy and ask for, oh I don't know... PeaceLoveHappiness!!
First of all, my apologies for my absence as I celebrated my birthday rather differently this year. I believe I began shortly after I became a mother but for the longest time, I've celebrated the entire month of November as many a friend and family member would offer “belated…” greetings so I decided to give everyone an extension in case they didn't catch me on the 2nd. Ever since I met Hubby, he has always done something memorable for my birthdays and our special occasions. This year, he topped them all: his new job offer allowed me to quit my PayJob and we relocated to the west coast! No more stomach churning workdays! No more harsh snowy arctic winters! The Universe has been working everything in our favor for our family to have a well deserved reset to achieve all of our dreams! Of course, in reality, I'll still have to have a baby PayJob (part-time job) until I'm a BEST-SELLING AUTHOR (buy my books please and thanks) but admittedly last year I would not believe I would be writing this post from Sin City!!! Last time I was here was for my 7th wedding anniversary. Now I live just 4 hours and 20 minutes from Hollywood! My creative juices are flowing and I'm ready for my close up!!! Author. Screenwriter. Director. Let's watch my resume grow!!!
Now you may be wondering how this has anything to do with love or polyamory or relationships. Well, this has EVERYTHING to do with a deeply embedded love that grows stronger each day my husband and I travel forward through life together. From the moment we met, our life has been smoother when we've worked together toward a shared goal. Our polyamorous desire to love others freely includes us and we both want each other to be successful. He wants to see me become a full-time author and I want him to be an activist. We both want to be entrepreneurs. Hence, our marriage continues to thrive through our joint efforts to improve ourselves as a couple as well as individually. I'm not saying that love will fix everything but it has definitely kept us together through good times and bad.
This time next year, we'll resume our annual New Year's Eve parties (who wouldn't want to be in Vegas for the holidays??) and you will be holding a paperback copy of my books. My aspirations for 2017: continue to work toward being more positive while sharing uplifting vibes with the world; increase my readership through personal interactions; love on my Husband and Loves as much as the Universe will allow!
If you would like to submit a question to SHARE THE LOVE, send an email to BlacktopiaBusiness@gmail.com with SHARE THE LOVE QUESTION in the subject line.
Polyamorous and striving to be PERMANENTLY POSITIVE, Lea Mishell is a wife, mother of 3, and an author of urban fairy tales and erotica. Her works can be found at www.leanpub.com/b/TheLeaMishellCollection
SHARE THE LOVE is published exclusively for Blacktopia.org
© 2016 Lea Mishell. All rights reserved.
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