"How to Date a Married Woman"
by Lea Mishell
Hello Loves!! If you've been following along with my journey, thank you. Trust me, it has been QUITE the rollercoaster ride!
I'm sure there are a few married women out there that would love to go out on a date! Hell, they might even want that date to be with their own husband (or wife… Yay for same sex marriage!). But on the off chance that a married woman DOES want to date outside her marriage, the first thing she HAS to do is be 100% honest with her spouse. The last thing she wants to do is lose her marriage over one date! Once her spouse is aware of her desire to date others, as long as she's not disturbing the peace of her household by doing so, she can let suitors know she's available. She meets someone. The moment of Truth: admit that you're married and dating. Immediately, thoughts of infidelity may flood the potential suitor’s brain! She shouldn't go forward until he knows that her husband knows what she's up to and that she has no intentions of leaving him or cheating on him. If the suitor can comply, the married woman will feel more comfortable dating him (her). If they click, she gets to know him (her) better. Now she's found someone she really likes. Congratulations!!
Please notice that all of the above actions would flow almost effortlessly in the polyamorous community. In fact, I only recommend these actions for polyamorous people simply because a monogamous person will have a hard time wrapping their brain around the idea of OPENLY dating outside of a relationship. OK. SOME monogamous people date outside their relationships but more than likely their mate is completely clueless of their actions or they condone the deceit as long as their mate comes back home. Why put yourself through the stress and hell of keeping multiple relationships if you have to hide them or lie about them?!
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Polyamorous and striving to be PERMANENTLY POSITIVE, Lea Mishell is a wife, mother of 3, and an author of urban fairy tales and erotica. Her works can be found at www.leanpub.com/b/TheLeaMishellCollection
SHARE THE LOVE is published exclusively for Blacktopia.org
© 2016 Lea Mishell. All rights reserved.
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Good read.