You received guidance on unapologetically teaching others how to treat you in the Own Your Ish Sis! bootcamp. Are you ready to now put those lessons in motion and get what you need in the s
x and intimacy department? I am so excited to introduce part two of the bootcamp series, Own Your S
Xy Sis!

Yes, Own Your S
Xy Sis! bootcamp is in prelaunch and it is 
. Take a look in the mirror and tell yourself, Get Ready Sis, we fixen to do this
. Understand what your s
xy is, why it matters and how to ask for what you need, want and desire!

During this three week bootcamp, you will learn exactly how to command what you need, want and desire! This bootcamp will take your confidence to a powerful level that will show everywhere from the boardroom to the bedroom! This is NOT just for someone in a relationship because owning your S
Xy is all about YOU!!

Get on the waitlist and one of first to experience true Grown Women Ish!! Text S
XY to 804-967-4551 to schedule your prelaunch intake session today!" - Coach Kay

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