This Blacktopia #WCW (Wed. CLASSY Woman) Award goes to Internet Personality, Vlogger and Blogger KENDRA DEE! Kenda Dee has been making power moves in the world of media and entertainment, she is also developing a new talk show that will air on BIG WOO RADIO later this year!
You will be able to stream her radio show on http://www.BigWooRadio.com
Get more updates on Kendra Dee and all her latest project at http://www.KendraDeeBlog.blogspot.com
ADVERTISE WITH BLACKTOPIA! E-mail us at BlacktopiaBusiness@gmail.com

Renewed Inspiration is an organization founded by Klarissa Byers to help underprivileged and at risk teenage girls by helping them further their education, positive goal setting and self esteem building workshops and activities, counseling, and life preparation. Get more information on Renewed Inspiration by visiting the official website at http://www.RenewedInspiration.org

Take a stand against domestic violence and sexual assault! Visit the Butterfly Visions Project official website to find out how you can take a stand. http://www.ButterflyVisionsProject.org

The book Venting for Release: Expression of a Sleepless Mind is how the author Melinda Smith dealt with a very dark period in her life. It's a collection of expressions that went through her mind when she couldn't sleep. Writing the pieces that have created this book kept Melinda from falling into a very deep depression. You will experience poems of anger, self reflection, and rediscovery of who she is in the great Creator. She is a child of God.
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Listen to talk radio at it's finest, BIG WOO RADIO at http://www.BigWooRadio.com
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